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How Much Does it Cost to Bring Visitors to a Website?

Bringing visitors to your website is a must to make money, and it does cost something and should be considered as part of your marketing budget. The exact price it would cost you depends on a few factors as well as the methods you make choose to use to bring them to your site.

First of all, if you decide to use a method such as pay per click to bring people to your site, pay-per-click would cost you per visitor and your cost here would also depend on how much competition there is in your market. For example, if you start a pay-per-click campaign for the mortgage industry with a major search engine, your cost per visitor would be higher because this is a very competitive market online.

I would say that the average cost per visitor in this market would be about $0.75 using very specific keywords.

Pay-per-click is one of the paid methods to drive traffic online. There are some free ways to drive traffic such as content marketing in the form of articles and blogs. Both of these methods rely on getting listed in the organic search results (left side of the search engines) and would bring visitors back to your site this way.

The good thing about such a method is the fact that you could do it yourself but the bad part would be that it is harder to quantify how much you are paying for each visitor if you are handing all the work yourself, your investment would be more of time.

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